Our hospitality ministry

The Hospitality Ministry embodies the hospitality of Jesus toward every person in or new to the LBCF community. We do this by cultivating hospitality of the heart that translates to the places we live, work, and play.  We prepare spaces for connection with the Holy Spirit and one another during Sunday Morning Gatherings, in our neighborhoods, and places of work and play.  We foster connection with one another that upholds Romans 15:7, “So, welcome each other, in the same way that Christ also welcomes you, for God’s glory” 

Ministry vision:  To mirror Jesus' love (John 15:12-13) and servanthood (Mark 10:45) for everyone (Revelation 22:17) and to learn to live and love like Jesus who welcomes all.

Passion: Responding to the hospitality of Christ to us by expressing hospitality to all who gather. To make sure everyone who enters through the doors of LBCF feel they have arrived home; that they feel they are in a safe place where they can rest, be transparent, be in communion and where they can grow an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Ways to get involved:

  • Sunday Gathering Team: Set Up/Tear Down, Kitchen Crew, Greeters and Ushers, Welcome Table

    • Lunch On Us Support Teams

    • Welcome newcomers

If you are interested in serving or have a heart for Hospitality, email hospitality team or fill out the serve form HERE